

#SeeingMe is a multimedia project on Period Poverty set between Cape Town, South Africa and Baltimore, Maryland USA. This project is headed by PI (Project Investigator) Najma Nuriddin and Co PI Kurt Orderson funded by Alliance for a Healthier World at Johns Hopkins University. For this project Najma and Kurt share their skills as filmmakers and educators with students as they create multimedia projects around the topic of Period Poverty.

Period poverty is a major health and gender equity issue on a global scale. This project uses a multimedia approach to address some of the root problems of period poverty, including the lack of empowerment of women and girls, and the inaccessibility to alternative eco-friendly and affordable products. The content produced by our students (films, podcasts, photographic essays) was created to educate, raise awareness and empower women and girls to use their voice.

*This entire project was conducted virtually due to the 2020/21 Pandemic.