Innocentia Jansen

My name is Innocentia Jansen and I’m from a small town called De Aar in the Northern Cape.I grew up in a community that raised me as their own and that has contributed to my characteristics. A fun fact I like sharing is I learnt English at the age of ten. I believe my journey of life so far has made me wise and every single time a memory pops into my head it adds to my growth. My aspiration in life is to be happy. Whilst taking care of my mind and my heart, in other words being happy, I’m working on finding a way to heal the world and its people. I believe I can be good at anything and I think you should believe so too. Something I tell myself and my peers is that there is nothing more amazing than living a life filled with no regrets. Accept a big fat no and accept a big fat yes, as long as I know where to find myself when I’m lost, the world can’t hide me forever. I laugh loud when I get a chance to, I dance in public when I hear music, I ask for ice cream on a hot day,I wear bikinis at the beach,I fail tests even though I studied, I cheer you on, on the racing track, I send a picture of my homework if you ask me to and I get moody when I’m on my period. #be-comfortable-with-who-you-are



The question mark on the pad. 

I think we forget about the females who’ve never ever seen a pad or any sanitary products.It’s one thing to know what it is and it’s another to have never seen one.

The question mark on this pad represent the disadvantage females in the world grow up with.The question mark represents not only girls,but older women who don’t know what a pad is.The question mark represents those who don’t get educated about their cycles and those who still don’t understand why periods are a natural thing.

The question mark wants to know if you know enough about PERIOD POVERTY. - Inno


Jasmine Grossman


Asemahle Vali